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III Juegos Paranacionales 2012 "Carlos Lleras Restrepo" LIMITACION VISUAL MASC

Last update 29.11.2012 02:16:46, Creator/Last Upload: FECODAZ

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Starting rank

1Torres Saulo De JesusRIS1899RIS
2Rico Hernandez EdgarSAN1893SAN
3Daza FernandoCAU1869CAU
4Jaimes FreddyNS1766NS
5Cuellar Jose GabrielCUN1762CUN
6Rusinque RodrigoBOG1701BOG
7Gomez NicolasANT1694ANT
8Munoz MauricioVAL1672VAL
9Rodriguez JaimeCUN1661CUN
10Bautista GermanBOG1658BOG
11Acevedo FaustoVAL1640VAL
12Castillo Jaider EnriqueCES1636CES
13Pena RobertoATL1634ATL
14Alvarez RafaelCES1633CES
15Sanchez CarlosRIS1614RIS
16Sanchez WiltonATL1614ATL
17Luna Mendoza JuanGUA1605GUA
18Luna Mendoza MaximoGUA1605GUA
19Barreto OscarBOY1602BOY
20Forestiery JhonatanBOL1601BOL
21Acosta WilmerBOY1600BOY
22Franco Perez WilliamNS1600NS
23Hernandez AbdulQUI1600QUI
24Ortiz LuisATL1597ATL
25Jaramillo Carlos MarioANT1588ANT
26Peralta JavierCUN1583CUN
27Blandon RaulCOR1536COR
28Navas GildardoSAN1498SAN
29Ramirez OrlandoSAN1449SAN
30Alvarez JuanCAU0CAU
31Astudillo JoseCAU0CAU
32Castillo EdierVAL0VAL
33Chavez GustavoBOL0BOL
34Gonzalez YamidCAQ0CAQ
35Martinez JhonMET0MET
36Pescador JesusCAL0CAL
37Reales CesarGUA0GUA
38Rodriguez LuisBOY0BOY
39Suarez GeimarGUA0GUA