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Campionat de Veterans de Lleida 2023 (313085)

Last update 11.03.2023 18:37:03, Creator/Last Upload: Jaume Ribera Pane

Starting rank list of players

10Verdes Nadal Ramon1120227096020302206Bellpuig C.E.
2Gensana Berzunces Joan1497222327918332019Lleida C.E.
8MKCodina Garcia Jose1496220634018122020Lleida C.E.
4Rodon Balcells Jaume1105225138817851968Ivars D'urgell C.E.
1Pera Lucas Eugeni1055226271117411958Lleida C.E.
7Diaz Carranza Pascual3985879474790301700Tarrega C.E.
6Graells Cistero Gabriel3993239474923001700Tora C.E.
9Ponsarnau Marquilles Jaume1121224250816681874Tarrega C.E.
3Jucla Esteve Francisco Javier1510229402814411720Lleida C.E.
5Rubies Roure Antonio3554172459940914141739Vallfogona C.E.