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IRT Campeonato Zonal Nacional Sub16 Absoluto 2012 Zona Norte Sub 16 Absoluto

Last update 01.04.2012 21:27:31, Creator/Last Upload: FECODAZ

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Starting rank

1Gaviria Andres FelipeATL2064
2Mejia Toscano DanielBOL2008
3Villarreal Gongora Jorge A.GUA1872
4Esquivia Cuadrado AndresATL1734
5Henao Nino Cristian OrnandyCES1713
6Sayas Torres Kevin JoseBOL1708
7Ricciulli Vargas Roberth EliecGUA1690
8Barros Ochoa Alfredo IvanCES1662
9Pabon Sarmiento David ABOL1655
10Fontalvo Juan CarlosCES1630
11Daza Ramirez CamiloCES1620
12Cotes DonatoCES1605
13Cabrera Miguel AngelGUA1580
14Ortega Barros German DavidGUA1567
15Fontalvo Nukier NayidATL1560
16Perez Olivar Santander EmilioATL1548
17Cabrera Alexis JrGUA1460
18Vence Saurith SantiagoCES1367
19Mejia Hernandez DanielCES1275
20De la Asuncion Ortiz HanselATL0