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MCR mladeze 2022 - H12

Last update 21.03.2022 14:21:10, Creator/Last Upload: Slovak Chess Federation license 22

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Starting rank

1Delgerdalai Bayarjavkhlan23727276CZE2143Sk Stare Mesto
2Roubal Matyas23727152CZE1896Sk Sokol Klatovy
3Popov Roman23732580CZE1779Sk Oaza Praha
4Martirosyan David23714980CZE1725Sk Dopravni Podnik Praha
5Kroulik Vaclav23725478CZE1708Region Panda, Z.S.
6Mik Tomas23742640CZE1693Region Panda, Z.S.
7Vana Jan23726016CZE1622Sk Tachov
8Stary Vojtech399817CZE16102222 Sk Polabiny, Z.S.
9Mydlar Matej23735074CZE1582Sachy Krnov, Z.S.
10Kutil Adam23744537CZE1544Tj Namest N/Oslavou
11Mikulka Martin Michael23730803CZE1478Sk Spartak Usti Nad Labem
12Chon Jeremy23731559CZE1455Tj Bohemians Praha
13Soucek Andrej23727349CZE1399Sk Kurim, Z.S.
14Tejnor Martin23726660CZE1367Chess Club Pisek, Z.S.
15Letal Hynek23719257CZE1365Beskydska Sachova Skola Z.S.
16Pasek Josef23715324CZE1351Tj Bohemians Praha
17Knapek Jan23734329CZE1340Agentura 64 Grygov
18Topencik Bruno23716550CZE1339Sk Spartak Celakovice
19Krautschneider Daniel Jan23726008CZE1334Region Panda, Z.S.
20Stejskal Jakub23731877CZE1330Gambit Jihlava
21Sotek Simon23735082CZE1280Slezan Opava
22Ruzicka Oto23720638CZE1261Agentura 64 Grygov
23Jansky Adam23726210CZE1233Sk Duras Bvk
24Kozdon Marek23737913CZE1182Tz Trinec