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Ostersunds SS KM 2019

Last update 26.11.2019 21:45:25, Creator/Last Upload: jamt-chess

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Starting rank

1Ferm Simon1746740SWE1769
2Oberg Bengt1729900SWE1673
3Johansson Henrik1718347SWE1634
4Edler Olof1729802SWE1550
5Fasth Rolf1755919SWE1448
6Sahlin Axel1752731SWE1434
7Andersson Sune1752715SWE1295
8Moange Wilhelm1763482SWE1191
9Lundgren Lena-Karin1763768SWE0
10Dymer Simon1759221SWE0
11Ahmadi Taher1764063SWE0
12Vos Tim1763474SWE0