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III Torneio Interno FluChess 2018

Last update 19.10.2018 14:36:59, Creator/Last Upload: Carlos Carvalho AF

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Starting rank

1Romano Alexandre Pinto13661996AFABOM
2Constant Jorge Gimenez42071913AFFC
3Ciraudo Mario Henrique De Araujo30011907AFFC
4De Mello Rogerio Cerqueira Felix19111832BFFC
5Da Costa Carlos Henrique Luz15911686BFFC
6De Castro Luciano Guimaraes Monteiro39771686BFFC
7Rosas Ednilson Monteiro22431616BFFC
8Rodrigues Paulo Fernado De Lima25301547CFFC
9Mendonca Marcelo Ricardo Xavier De41081514CFFC
10Sobrinho Heitor Usai6951464CFFC
11De Souza Romulo Roberto Miranda40571374CFFC
12Jiang Lucas Zirui429310CFFC
13Kai Jiang429410CFFC