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3rd Strongbow

Last update 29.07.2018 20:43:17, Creator/Last Upload: Ghana Chess-Federation

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Starting rank

1Onokpite Kennedy8503486NGR20922092
2FMHasford John Kojo12600083GHA20432043S50
3IMAnquandah Francis Eric12600148GHA19901990S50
4CMMensah Joseph Jamena12600407GHA19751975
5Charles Haji Kiadii22600159LBR19361936
6Ajavon Anthony Obieni12600784GHA19071907
7Adan Abdul Roba10814892KEN18541854
8CMThompson Edward Nii Lamptey12600113GHA18521852S50
9Ofowino Toritsemuwa8504377NGR18201820w
10Adu-Poku Kwabena12600598GHA17901790
11Osom Daniel12600288GHA17131713
12Hushie Carlton12600350GHA16991699
13Arko-Dadzie George Kweku12600156GHA15231523S50
14Ameku David12601179GHA14801480
15Felix Tobi12600989GHA14611461wU20
16Kokoti Perez12601101GHA14591459
17Victor M. Nyepon22600299LBR14231423
18Nyankpani Winfred12600237GHA00
19Rushikesh Eaga12601586GHA00U16
20Sovereign Joseph12601632GHA00U18