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Circuito IRT Xadrez Potiguar 2018 - Etapa B1

Last update 23.04.2018 14:10:07, Creator/Last Upload: Maximo Igor Macedo

Starting rank list of players

5De Araujo Fabiano304322117010BRA0
3Branco Isabele Soares5150522724680BRA0
7De Araujo Antonio Jose383162146223BRA1560
4De Lima Enzo Magalhaes4790422705287BRA1500
9Ananias Thales Rodrigo Lima335602175029BRA1486
6Do Nascimento Davi Alves460822192950BRA1455
2Jardim Lukas Maximo G. Abreu3954622725016BRA1394
1Santos Joao Vitor Rodrigues465032194384BRA1317
10De Lima Theo Magalhaes5149622725490BRA1301
8Da Silva Pinto Maria Cecilia5303922730702BRA1169