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SA Junior Closed Chess Championship 2017 (U16 Girls)

Last update 11.04.2017 16:55:08, Creator/Last Upload: Michael Bornheim

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Starting rank

1WFMEngelbrecht Hanri14306859RSA1523
2WCMMarais Nina14306883RSA1506
3WCMBooysen Elda14313375RSA1489
4Wolmarans Riekie14318636RSA1412
5Smith Elani14310953RSA1392
6WCMVan Der Walt Alida Berandina14309106RSA1375
7Van Heerden Lara14318628RSA1366
8Kara Zahra14323010RSA1332
9Michaels Carla Jesse14312557RSA1323
10Parthiephal Dayaan14318776RSA1297
11Vuso Hlomisa14312859RSA1296
12Naidoo Rayna14322005RSA1290
13Dinham Megan14318601RSA1272
14Saayman Anais14323133RSA1256
15Van Den Berg Ane14325551RSA1235
16Singh Pragna14323052RSA1160
17Swart Sune14315130RSA1117
18Steyn Lene14318202RSA1080
19Montgomery Elizabeth14323125RSA1077
20Villoen Sharise14327007RSA1071
21Emanuel Prithee14326060RSA1065
22Van Der Walt Marelize14309165RSA1063
23Dhanjee Reshna14312298RSA1060
24Moodliar Senayah14327015RSA1034
25Shiane Reneilwe14327163RSA921
26Strumpfer Marilee14325543RSA825