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2016 Lidums Australian Junior Masters U1600

Last update 09.12.2016 11:19:58, Creator/Last Upload: Australian Chess Enterprises

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Starting rank

1Watson LukeAUS1505
2Sanusi-Goh GavynAUS1079
3Daly MatthewAUS824
4Bartley GeorgeAUS792
5Viljoen ChristiaanAUS776
6Retnaraja EthanAUS729
7Kosgallana Dimandiw YasmithAUS714
8Wong RoyceAUS485
9Retnaraja Athena-MalarAUS462
10Tang CalebAUS417
11Wells RolieAUS302
12Cregan GabrielAUS272
13Abrahams HaydenAUS0
14Boldyrev NikitaAUS0
15Boylen FinnAUS0
16Chen JacksonAUS0
17Fenton OliverAUS0
18Hilangkaven SreeAUS0
19Homvan ThomasAUS0
20Kondamuri SaanviAUS0
21Nair GautamAUS0
22Pelham ZaraAUS0
23Pimenov AlexAUS0
24Tang CharlesAUS0
25Wang FeiyangAUS0