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Copa Brasil de Xadrez para Deficientes Visuais - Abs - Final - FBXDV - 2016 Botucatu/SP

Last update 08.12.2016 05:42:35, Creator/Last Upload: IA Paulo C. Levy

Starting rank list of players

1Marques Andre Rezende2159074BRA1934
5Lopes Davi De Souza2133741BRA1856
3Polo Tiago Dias2120364BRA1842
7Silva Rodrigo Souza2119196BRA1831
2Hengles Roberto Carlos2108950BRA1781
4Ricieri Vinicius De Andrade2176084BRA1721
8Pontes Jaderson Lucio2175894BRA1694
6Vilas Boas Crisolon Terto2119315BRA1550