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Jämtcupen 2015

Last update 07.01.2016 19:31:22, Creator/Last Upload: jamt-chess

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Starting rank

1Sundell Bo17042572163Östersunds SS
2Andersson Sven-Olof17069262048S60Östersunds SS
3Larsson Per-Olov17177741983S60Östersunds SS
4Burman Lennart17174211873S60Östersunds SS
5Bohman Karlholm Adrian17206431861U20Östersunds SS
6Nylén Anders17232861679Östersunds SS
7Puleshi Denis17314591869Östersunds SS
8Mäki Christer17096741864S60Östersunds SS
9Nordling Magnus17357481819Östersunds SS
10Wik Bo17298701790Schack 88
11Myrberg Åke17300881693S60Östersunds SS
12Öberg Bengt17299001655Östersunds SS
13Hedin Ester1450Östersunds SS
14Hedin Simon1450Östersunds SS
15Khalili Najibullah1450Östersunds SS
16Rohman Moshiur1450Östersunds SS
17Sakhaparvar Hamid Forutan1450Östersunds SS
18Hedin Ulf17324121408S60Östersunds SS
19Nylén Olof17387801145U12Stamgärde Skolas SK
20Pettersson Max17388281119U12Stamgärde Skolas SK
21Störzel Kilian17388101101U12Stamgärde Skolas SK
22frirond0Östersunds SS