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IRT Final Nacional Sub-10 Femenino

Last update 05.05.2015 18:21:29, Creator/Last Upload: FECODAZ

Starting rank list of players

10WCMMogollon Tobar Nicolle Juliet4452194CUN1649
11WCMAlbor Rebolledo Andrea4443527ATL1641
6Lopez Isabela4452755VAL1552Ricaly
4Sarmiento Erika Daniela4439007CUN1549
8WCMMercado Pena Maria Monica4442270ATL1541
5Suarez Ardila Luisa Maria4452216MET1522
1Largo Sofia Alejandra4440803BOY1518
3Castano Saray4450949ANT1382Marinilla
2Arcos Jojoa Angela Sofia4443187ANT1371Club Ajedrez Los Titanes
9Santander Rada Angely4451244ATL1294
7Suaza Laura SofiaHUI1235