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IRT Zonal Sub 10 Abs zona integrada NORTE 2014. Ajedrez Clásico

Last update 04.05.2014 16:14:01, Creator/Last Upload: FECODAZ

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Starting rank

1Jaimes Velasquez Simon AndresBOL1580
2Navarro Rivas WilliamATL1340
3Vanegas Toscano Jose DavidBOL1320
4Riasco Molina Luis ManuelMAG1260
5Sauda EduardoBOL1251
6Borja Munar David AlejandroMAG1237
7Rojas Caicedo Juan EstebanBOL1209
8Sibaja Maestre WalterGUA1153
9Caceres Juan CamiloGUA0
10Cardozo Rivera Elias GabrielSUC0
11De la Rosa Povea Miguel AngelSUC0
12Fonseca Ramirez Juan PabloBOL0
13Fonseca Ramirez Miguel AngelBOL0
14Rosado Uriana Rafael de JesusGUA0