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IRT Open ELO Menor a 2100 Liga Ajedrez de Bogota (FIDE code 89733)

Last update 25.12.2013 14:01:50, Creator/Last Upload: FECODAZ

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Starting rank

1Rodriguez Mayorga Julian EBOG2102Club Virtual Chess
2Acuna Buitrago Camilo AndresBOG2087
3Vargas PedroBOY2044S50
4Vargas MauricioVAL2033
5Nieto Manuel Valerio WaldoBOG2026U16La Florida
6Rodriguez Correa EnriqueBOG1999S50Club Mentes Activas
7Manrique FernandoBOG1997
8Nieto Guillermo Luigui UbaldBOG1978U16La Florida
9Guerrero HernandoBOG1900
10Leon GustavoBOG1845U16
11Moreno Julian DavidBOG1833
12Carriazo Ortega Jose AntonioBOG1821S50
13Tamayo GermanBOG1803
14Vargas Diana PaolaBOG1791
15Sosa Florez Juan SebastianCUN1780U16Club Virtual Chess
16Rodriguez WilliamBOG1759
17Sosa Florez Luis FelipeCUN1752U16Club Virtual Chess
18Rusinque RodrigoBOG1701S50Discapacitado Visual
19Luque Rafael AugustoATL1658El Tigre
20Parrales Jose DavidATL1615Cuc
21Castelblanco Roberto Carlos ABOG1600S50
22Zarate RafaelBOG1600S50
23Alarcon Rodriguez Sergio AndresBOG0
24Cifuentes Rincon Angelo StevenBOG0U16
25Guerrero Ramirez Cesar AugustoBOG0S50
26Oviedo Mora Jaime OrlandoBOG0S50