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Final Campeonato Nacional Sub-18 Femenino, año 2013

Last update 03.06.2013 19:42:04, Creator/Last Upload: FECODAZ

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Starting rank

1WIMRodriguez Rueda Paula AndreaCUN2203
2WIMCastrillon Gomez MelissaANT2156Envigado
3WFMMercado Luisa FernandaBOL2047Comfenalco
4Chirivi Angie LizethANT2040Club Paul Keres
5Mora MonicaBOG1926
6Loaiza YuraniANT1918
7Munoz Monroy Cinthya CarolinANT1840Itagui
8Velez Alvarez Laura CamilaCAQ1772
9Galvis SeleneVAL1762
10Barbosa DanielaMET1710Club Torre 64
11Rodriguez Sandra LizethCUN1681Club Alfeizar
12Cardoso Jaidy MarcelaVAL1668
13Rodriguez Lina MariaCUN1650Club Alfeizar